What is 
 The Bounce Back?


A comprehensive 90-day coaching intensive designed to assist you in identifying who you are, what you want out of life, and how to intentionally get there. 


You'll receive monthly 1:1 calls, grow work, weekly- check ins, and M-F Telegram access to ask questions or receive feedback.


This program is designed for clients to exit with a renewed mindset, a clear outline for how to achieve 1-3 of of their biggest goals, improvement in emotional management, and a better sense of understanding of your identity and life purpose.

If we join forces, you’ll be able to

Exlore Your Genuine
 Identity & Life Purpose

Do you know who you are? Not your family role, corporate function, or who others say you are. Do you know what you are meant to do with your life? Let's deep dive into these questions and start to explore how you can show up authentically and walk in your passion.

Outline & Plan Out YOur
Goals for the Year 

As an expert in Goal Attainment and Treatment Planning, it would be my greatest joy to aid in developing a plan to create the life of your dreams. 

Learn the Art of Emotional
Mastery & Intentionality

When you master your emotions, you master your life. Together, we will dive into your most disruptive emotions and develop a strategic plan for anticipating and manage situations in which these emotions will occur.